A Mar Falten Mixtape

Mar Falten!

That’s an old fashioned Valentine’s greeting in Newfoundland (more on that here). In keeping with the spirit of the day, I’ve compiled a short list of songs by artists from or in Newfoundland.

They are not a love songs per se, but they do touch on the theme. Some of the tracks are new, some are a bit older — I enjoy all of them.

Take time to explore the artist’s full catalogues — they’re making great music.

Check it out the playlist on Youtube or Apple Music.

Robert Hiscock

Robert grew up in a tiny Newfoundland community called Happy Adventure. These days he lives in Gander, NL and his happiest adventures are spent with his two Labrador retrievers exploring the island while listening to a soundtrack of local music.

When the dogs are napping Robert takes pictures, writes about Newfoundland, makes a podcast and shares NL trivia.


Ron Hynes’ Atlantic Blue (Covers)


James Daly’s Pineapple Crush