Rum Ragged: Let Me Fish off Cape St. Mary’s

My social media was filled yesterday with videos of Rum Ragged’s performance during the royal visit to the province — which was pretty cool. I’m a fan of Rum Ragged and more RR content is always welcome. That said, it wasn’t the RR content I was looking forward to.

I’ve been eagerly awaiting for their new video for the Otto Kelland classic ‘Let Me Fish Off Cape Mary’s’ from their stellar The Thing About Fish album. They’ve been teasing the video release for a while now, and today it went live.

It’s a pretty impressive clip. The music is, of course, great but the video is moving and a fantastic piece of art in its own right. It features some stunning cinematic shots that, like some of the NL tourism ads, would make me want to come visit, if I didn’t already live here!

Check it out.

Robert Hiscock

Robert grew up in a tiny Newfoundland community called Happy Adventure. These days he lives in Gander, NL and his happiest adventures are spent with his two Labrador retrievers exploring the island while listening to a soundtrack of local music.

When the dogs are napping Robert takes pictures, writes about Newfoundland, makes a podcast and shares NL trivia.

Summer Bennett: Carsick


G’Wan B’y Podcast